Find your Joy. Do what makes you happy and makes your heart sing. In doing what we love just for the pleasure of it, we open ourselves to true joy. There doesn't need to be an end goal, or an outcome of achievement to receive true fulfilment. Just doing can be its own reward. Get on and create your own joy, begin an activity you have always wanted to do or search out an old hobby and re-engage with its energy and joy again. |
Shower everything in your life with light.
Breathe in the light each morning and fill your dreams with it each night. Allow it to touch every part of your life and it will enhance it exponentially, beyond all your wildest dreams. How you perceive events in your life can either help or hinder you.
If you look for negative traits in most life events, people and thoughts then you will constantly battle with yourself. You will never see that letting of this behaviour will allow you move on. Ask your angels to help you focus on a different point of view. This will allow you to steer clear of the negativity and within a short while you will no longer look for or see the negativity. Be strong, call on your angels for their assistance and you will find the strength you need to move on. Happy thoughts create light.
We are all connected by the light and this light allows us to be one with love, grace and compassions. Begin each day with these simple and easy to remember words. By being thankful and remaining positive we encourage the universe to send us more of these beautiful events and energies. The positive attraction only allows you to receive a limitless supply of that which you give thanks and blessings for. As I drift on peaceful waters, my soul fills with joy. I hear the echos of forgotten dreams, past adventures float by me as I acknowledge, accept and let go of all that I do not need anymore. I am at peace, i am one with myself. I now fully understand all that I am and ever will be begins and ends in Love. We can often forget to take a moment and assess or prioritise our daily routines and habits. It is important when looking at our lives that we are aware of habits that have formed and take time, energy and effort but are actually pointless. We get stuck in a rut of repetition and don't realise we can let go of these. We often get used to complaining about our health, weather or other daily situations. We rush about without actually spending time with loved ones; when sitting for a moment and listening would be so much better. We create lists of priorities and stress about cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming and organising our homes without giving time for ourselves or others. The tasks will always need doing, but don't allow them to dictate your daily actions. Because of our hectic and stressful lives, we forget to talk to others; our neighbours, our work colleagues and even our families. Do you tune out when people are talking because your mind wanders to tasks still to do or items you forgot to put in your child's school bag? Stay in the moment. Allow yourself to fully appreciate each moment of your day. Let go of what you don't need. Have faith that all is in good hands.
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April 2015