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Fairies are beautiful energies. They engage with nature and spend most of their time in forgotten overgrown areas of hedges, garden corners, woodlands, mountains etc. Most fairies come together to dance, celebrate and engage in magic.
Tooth Fairy
The tooth fairy is a fantasy figure of early childhood. The folklore states that when a child loses a baby tooth, if he or she places it beneath the bed pillow, the tooth fairy will visit while the child sleeps, replacing the lost tooth with a small payment. (Wikipedia) The tradition initially began by burying children's teeth that feel out. When the child had lost its sixth tooth the parents would leave a gift of money from the tooth fairy under the child's pillow. The tradition of the tooth fairy is recored back in Norse folklore in the writings of Eddas. |
Fairy Wishes/Wishing Box
You can create your own wishing box and ask the Fairies to fulfil your wishes. Choose a beautiful sparkling, shiny box. Write your wishes with a special pen and keep it with your box. Place your wish in your box and leave it on a windowsill or outside in moonlight. Every day focus on your wish and ask the Fairies for their help. |