"Peace may sound simple - one beautiful word - but it requires everything we have, every quality, every strength, every dream, and every high ideal." - Yehudi Menuhin
PEACE Practice
Each day an
Appreciation and
Caring of yourself
Enveloped in the knowledge that Love is all that truly matters.
"Peace is the only battle worth waging." - Albert Camus
This week try picturing yourself and your world in a different light? As we seek our inner peace we seek our happiness, fulfilment and pure joy. To help us all achieve this take:
- Some personal time this week, even as little as half an hour and spend it in Nature-walking, hiking, exercising, reading, journaling, doing any activity that allows your creativity to flow.
- Try to achieve harmony in everything you think, do and say. This is a big ask. Take the first step by not giving your attention to negative or annoying activities by others. Actively search for the good in all people and situations. Look for harmony.
- Is seeing believing? Then try viewing your life in a newer way. If your thoughts are creating your reality, try changing your reality one thought at a time.
Peace Prepare to meet
Each day with
Appreciating, loving and
Caring for yourself and
Everyone dear to you.
Try creating your own PEACE poem, it’s easy to do, just find words and thoughts to fill in to the spaces beside each letter- make it personal and poignant.
If you feel like sharing your thoughts then please include them along with your poems below.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix
Be inspired this week.
Mary Jo x x