A way of benefiting personally from this period is to be clear about what it is that you want to do most in your life-sort out, prioritise.
To help you to do this take some time for yourself, sometime alone, preferably outside in nature where you can be still and calm. Make a list of what you don’t want in your life anymore or what you don’t want to do anymore. Put the list away for a few days, then take it out and read it. Is it possible to condense the list into 3-5 main points? Sometimes many of the things we write down can be grouped or are mainly versions or variations of one or two main points. Continue to do this until you have reduced your list to 3-5 points. You now have the top points of what you don’t want in your life anymore.
You can choose to do something about each of them. The power that this gives to you is immense. It means you are taking charge of what no longer is working for you in your life. It puts a stop to the myriad of thoughts churning around aimlessly in your mind all day long. You can now see the wood from the trees.
This small honest exercise is an effective mental clear-out. It helps focus your attention to the areas of your life that you want to change and helps to clearly establish what it is you want to do most in your life. Now is the time to do this changing-remember small steps are easiest to adjust to. By changing just one point, one area of your life, you will bring benefits to many other areas too.
This is not an exercise exclusive to just a few people; it is one which has universal benefits for all.
Be inspired
Mary Jo x