Q: How sparkly is your life? A: You choose, it's up to you. We all have the ability to choose how we want and perceive events in our lives. Just because you're having a tough time doesn't mean you can't see the wonders around you and the blessings in each hour and day. If your life is the jar opposite how full of sparkles would it be? Will it be overflowing with sparkles everywhere or will it be a few lonely sprinkles in the bottom? The choice is yours. How many sparkles can you put in your jar today? |
The world has lost a great and true light. Nelson Mandela was a not only a man but a symbol of forgiveness, a man who over came adversity, cruelty and hardship because he believed in himself and his cause. He influenced generations and showed the way in how we must treat each other. How we must believe in ourselves and have confidence in our own intuition. He was a brave man and suffered much for his belief but as his light shone further it expressed the injustice he sought to conquer and his wish for harmony and equality. It is with a sad heart we mourn him. But as his human experience has ended his forward journey begins and we know his light burns brightly in heaven. "For such an indomitable spirit can not be extinguished by death. May the blessings of our Lord, protect and light your journey as you leave this mortal world to bring your spirit, courage and light to the next."
We are all authors.
We create and write our life stories each and every day of our lives. The only thing we cannot do is go back and edit. We have the ability as any author/writer to create a magical experience, dramatic scenery, love interests and romance, wondrous feats, and exciting stories. As our lives progress and our story turns into a manuscript or epic novel we can easily identify the turning points of our lives, the lessons learned, and wisdom accumulated. We have dramatic licence to add interesting, fun and adventure to our stories to make them as magical and expressive as possible. Take today, what will you write to make it the best day by far? How will you liven it up and make it speak of your gifts and talents? Look at your life as a magnificent book, a story yet to unfold. How will you write the next chapter or page? What exciting text will you employ? How will you express your thoughts, feelings and emotions? How will others read your story when you've gone? What story will you tell? So what's stopping you? Are you living each day with the passion it deserves or are you caught in a loop, placing your dreams and wishes on a pile in the dark recesses of your mind?
Life can seem pointless and mundane, you constantly put things on the backseat of your life to do some other time or when you get time. But in the long run this never happens. We are all doing this to some degree. I am a list maker and most of the time I get to the end of my lists but there are times when I don't have the physical energy, strength or inclination to proceed to the end and accomplish those few tasks or objectives. There have been times when these tasks felt too big to tackle or I couldn't ever achieve them. But finding the strength the next day helped be to express and fill my days with joy and allowed me to share all that I have with so many others. You too can accomplish this joy by pursuing what you love with passion. The satisfaction you gain from accessing and working on your dreams can push you far beyond your imagining. Create positive thoughts by using positive affirmations to get you going. Keep them simple and to the point and use when you need them, let them become your mantra. Stop wallowing in your own negativity and blaming yourself. Learn the lesson but let it go and leave it in the past - step forward. Never take the good for granted - say thank you to God/Universe or whatever you believe in for all the joys and blessings in your life. Did you give thanks for being alive today? Learn to appreciate what you have because there are so many people out there who would love to have your life. So appreciate and enjoy what you have today. Focus on changing yourself and not the world around you. Treat your body like a temple and rule it so. Keep your thoughts, moods etc positive and don't be a slave to them. Wake up each day with a manta of thanks and resolve to spend the day in happiness, seeing joy and light in all you meet and everywhere you go. |
Welcome to Cora's Cloud, Its not a blog! Its not news, so what is it? Archives
April 2015