We adore and love our children, or partners/spouses, animals etc but we cannot summon up the same amount of love for ourselves. Many of us feel we don't deserve this love. That our families deserve our love more, that we need to lavish our loved ones in our love and thus there is nothing left for us.
To help you understand how to love yourself and how much love to give yourself try this simple experiment.
Search out some family photographs of people you love dearly. Perhaps photos of children or grandchildren, and don't forget a photo of you too.
Pick up and look at the photo(s) of your loved one(s) and open your heart, feel the love begin to flow as you look at their face(s) feel your heart bursting with love for them. You may even begin to picture them in your mind and remember moments with them. See how effortlessly you pour your love through your heart chakra to them.
Now holding this photo in one hand pick up the photo of you.
With your heart chakra open take a little of the love you have for your loved ones and lavish it on you.
Many of you will find this uncomfortable and a little difficult at first, but as you progress and repeat this exercise a few times it will become easier.
Don't see flaws or negativity in your photo. Just see yourself as a child of God perfect and divine in so many ways. Some of you may find it easier to begin this process using an old photograph of yourself perhaps a childhood one.
This will help you to lavish love on yourself every day. After all in loving yourself first you will understand how it feels to be loved.