We may lose a dear pet, a loved one, a close friend, a relationship, a career even or way of life.
During these times we have many difficulties to deal with sometimes physical ones and always emotional ones.
But don't be hard on yourself, you're not alone, you're not the only person who has experienced this. Many people will be going through a similar experience at the same time as you.
It is most often at times of celebration that we feel the loss more intensely; where the physical absence of the loss causes us more stress and sadness. At times when you feel it the most try to consider these points.
- Allow yourself to feel sad. Don't bottle up your sadness, let it out. It's a genuine feeling of loss and love, acknowledge it. Facing your loss will actually help you to cope. Set a limit on your sadness and don't allow yourself to dwell there constantly.
- Spend time with positive people. Positive people will help lift your spirits and keep you from dwelling in a small world of sadness. They will be there to listen and talk to you thus allowing you to accept your loss and when in positive company you will find you are more up beat and positive yourself and will endeavour to keep this trend going.
- You are not alone. Many others will also be experiencing loss at the same time as you. You may find solace in their company. If you think it might be helpful to you consider connecting with them via your local grief support groups or online.
- Stay healthy, look after yourself. Taking care of yourself will not only help keep you fit and active but busy too. It may encourage you to join a fitness group or gym thus adding to your positive approach. When you are in a positive frame of mind you are less likely to dwell on sad memories and loss. While keeping busy you will also fill your time and this will have a positive benefit to your wellbeing.
- Remember the good times. Recalling happy memories may be difficult or you may feel accentuate your loss but it is a great way to celebrate the life and joys of the person you're missing.
- Make positive new memories. Creating new memories will help you move forward and help you from feeling stuck. A fresh outlook and perspective can give you a new lease of life.