When I was quite young I would ask when was I going back "home" as I missed this place of comfort and love and when my parents were upset with me or cross when I would misbehave, I would run and hide in the garden and ask my angels to take me back as I didn't want to be here; it was difficult and I didn't understand lots of things.
As time moves steadily on we loose our connection with 'home' and readjust to life on earth. After all we choose to be here, to learn and explore ourselves in this unique way.
But getting back to the question who made me?
The answer is simple God. Yes, God made you, me and everyone on this earth.
Just go and stand in front of a mirror and have a long look at that person in there.
Do you recognise yourself?
The beautiful divine child that God created is still within you, you are a young divine spirit, what you see reflected back at you is just a human shell. It's not the real you. You need the human shell to exist in this world and to experience it, but it is not you.
Just think for one moment – one day in the land of spirit God decided to create YOU.
He sat down made a list and thought of all the qualities you should have, how special you should be, how delightful and filled with light you should be.
Don't confuse your human personality with the spirit you.
Think about who you really are inside – those deep qualities that are not connected to DNA, personality or experience of life. Those are the qualities God created just for you.
He fashioned you with a divine spark from himself, so you would be always and forever a part of him. He created you with immense love and compassion and then sent this beautiful baby spirit off to learn. And since that moment you have been learning all you can to evolve and become a great light for God and help him in the ways you are destined to help.
Now how really special do you feel ?