As many of us move forward into this new year we seek new beginnings and often make resolutions and promises to help us stay steadfast and strong in our choices.
Many of us will assess the previous year and look to overcome negativity in our lives. We will aim to work harder at recognising the problems that life creates and endeavour to seek out the symptoms before they turn into problems.
This is how we learn and realise that we are on an every changing road called our future.
We must not fear it, for to do so would only slow our journey and focus our attentions on the horizon.
We must not ignore it, for to do so will only leave us languishing in a void. We will be unable to see ahead and this will instil a quiet fear in our own forward progress.
We must not embrace it to tightly, ever fixated on what is next, for to do so will only leave us wanting more and feeling less unsure of what we encounter along the way.
We must take each step with confidence, knowing this is a journey; a wonderful journey of learning. A journey of our choice but of excitement for life, for expanding our inner self and learning the many facets that our souls have to offer. A journey where we are always in control and knowing that we do not always have to deal with what is ahead, we can choose to go around things and accept that they will reappear when we are stronger or have the right tools, emotions and talents to deal with them.
2015 is only a small part of your onward journey.
Embrace it, live it and learn for that is your soul purpose on Earth.