The door opens softly, I hear his footsteps and then a slight click as the door shuts gently behind him. He gently walks over and sits beside me.
I fix my gaze on the burning coals as they glow red and orange, I know my body is exhausted and unable to move and I had no inclination to either.

“Was it worth it?” I ask. “I don't think i've accomplished very much.”
“I think so.” he replied. “That's just your perspective, what I see is much much more.”
“I'm tired. I've been travelling for such a long time now.”
“Yes your journey has been long, but you should rest now.”
“Yes, I am weary.”
“Close your eyes and sleep a while, all will be clearer when you awake.”
“Are you leaving?”
“No. I'll be here when you wake. We'll continue our conversation then. Rest now.”
“Yes, alright.” I sigh.

“Yes, I would like that.” I whisper, my eyes gently closing as I fall back asleep.